Finalize RTD (New Application)

Certain users have the ability to finalize the RTD for a training grant. Finalized RTDs are marked as Final and cannot be edited.

To finalize an RTD:

  1. Select the Finalize RTD link from the RTD links on the left side of the screen.

    A confirmation message warns: Are you sure you want to finalized this RTD? Once finalized, the RTD cannot be edited?

    IMPORTANT: Once you finalize, the RTD cannot be edited. Select the No button if you do not wish to finalize.

  2. Select the Yes button to finalize the RTD. A confirmation screen is displayed when the RTD has successfully finalized.

xTRACT generates a PDF version of the training tables without the In Progress watermark, updates the status of the RTD to Final, and locks the RTD for editing.

You will have the option to view the finalized PDF at any time on the Search New RTDs screen and unfinalize the RTD if needed.

Search RTD for New Applications screen showing finalized RTD

Click the hyperlinked RTD ID to view the PDF.

Click the Unfinalize New Application button Unfinalize New Application button to edit the RTD.

Concept Link IconSee Also