Create Funding Source
Access the Create Non-NIH Funding Source screen by selecting the create a new funding source here link on the Maintain Non-NIH Funding Sources screen.
To add the funding source:
- Enter the following fields as appropriate, taking note of the required fields marked with an asterisk (*).
- Type of Funding Source (required): Select the appropriate type of funding source from the list: Fellowship; Other; Research Assistantship; Research Grant; Scholarship; Teaching Assistantship; Training Grant
- Source of Support: Select the appropriate choice from the list: NIH; Foundation; National Science Foundation (NSF); Non-US ; Other; Other Federal; University
- Project Title (required): Enter the project title for the funding source.
- Funding Source Number: Enter a funding source number as needed.
- Start Date (mm/yyyy or yyyy): Enter as MM/YYYY or YYYY
- End Date (mm/yyyy or yyyy): Enter as MM/YYYY or YYYY
- Description: Enter a description of the source as needed. This field has a maximum limit of 200 characters.
- Select the Save button to save the information.