Funded Projects Tab
Use the Funded Projects tab to view funded projects in RePORTER. Project information is limited to NIH grants only.
To access the Funded Projects tab, search for funded projects and publications.
Project Number
Commonly referred to as a grant number. For grants, this unique identification number is composed of the type code, activity code, Institute/Center code, serial number, support year, and/or suffix code.
Subproject ID
A unique number assigned to a subproject on a multi-component project.
LikeThis Score
The degree of match between scientific terms and the resulting funded projects. The higher the LikeThis score, the closer the match.
Project Title
Title of the research project.
The fiscal year of the project. LikeThis searches for the most recent active funded projects. If the project has reached its end date, the last funded project is displayed.
The IC(s) providing funding for a project.
Contact Principal Investigator
An individual designated by the grantee to direct the project or activity being supported by the grant. He or she is responsible and accountable to the grantee and NIH for the proper conduct of the project or activity. Also known as Program Director or Project Director.
A generic term used to refer to an educational institution or other entity, including an individual, which applies for or receives an NIH grant or cooperative agreement.
Geographical location (state or country) of awarded projects.
Study Section
A group responsible for the review of grant applications in an area of science. Study sections are grouped into large Integrated Review Groups (IRGs).
FY Funding
The fiscal year in which the project is funded.
Retrieving Funded Projects and Publications Based on Your Scientific Text
Retrieving Funded Projects and Publications Based on Your Applications