You are here: FFR Module > FFR Search Screen > Historical Search

Revised 7/23/2015

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Federal Financial Report/Financial Status Report Historical Search

The Historical Search link opens the Federal Financial Report/Financial Status Report Historical Search screen which can be used to perform a search for grants that are not current and are purged from the system. Closed toggler arrowThe Historical Search link is found on the Federal Financial Report/Financial Status Report Search screen.

FFR search screen highlighting the Historical Search link

To perform a historical search:

  1. Enter the required fields for the Grant Number. The required fields are the IC and Serial# and are indicated as such with an asterisk (*).

    Closed toggler arrowThe remaining fields are optional and may be left blank. When entering data in the ACT (Activity) and Suffix fields, the percent sign (%) wild card can be used.

    sample parameters entered into fields

  2. Closed toggler arrowClick the Submit button to return the search results.

    highlighting the Submit button


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