Create System Accounts

System accounts are used to access eRA Web Services.

Agency and Commons, users can create system accounts.

To create a system account, first perform a search to make sure the account you want to create does not already exist. For instructions see Search Accounts.

NOTE: The + Create New Account button described below is not available until you perform a search.

Review the search results to see if the account you want already exists, and if not, create a new account using one of the following options:

  1. Click the + Create New Account button that appears below the search results:

    Create New Account button expanded

  2. OR, click the ellipsis action menu icon next to a user's name and select Create System Account Using Profile:

    User action menu showing Create System Account Using Profile option

The Create Account screen opens. Complete the require fields in the following sections:

Create Account Screen Displaying Creating a System Account

ClosedUser Information

  • The User Type field displays System as the prepopulated value.

  • The Primary Organization field displays the prepopulated Primary IC of the Account Coordinator creating the account. This is a read-only field.

ClosedCertificate Information

Complete the certificate information by manually typing all certificate information into the required fields, or use the Import Certificate button to automatically import the required information into each field from the certificate file:

The Create System Account screen's Certificate Information section showing the Import Certificate upload button

Click the Import Certificate button to upload a certificate file:

  1. Drag and drop a file to the upload field or click Browse to select the file from your computer.

  2. Import Certificate Information upload popup

  3. Click the Get Certificate Details button to retrieve certificate details from the uploaded file.

  4. Import Certificate Information popup showing Certificate Details and Copy to Account button

  5. Click the Copy to Account button to return to the Create Account screen with the information imported into the appropriate fields.

If you are manually entering the certificate information, type the required information in the following fields:

  1. Certificate Owner — enter the organization who acquired the certificate.

  2. Certificate Provider/Authority CN — select the appropriate provider from the drop-down menu.

    TIP: Examples of the values that are available for the Certificate Provider/Authority include: Comodo, Digicert, Entrust, Geo Trust, Go Daddy, InCommon, and Thawte.

  3. Certificate Serial Number — enter in the format XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX.

  4. Certificate Expiration Date — enter or select from the calendar picker field.

For information on obtaining and registering a certificate from a Certificate Provider or Authority, refer to one of the Web Services Certificate (S2S) Guide:

  • Section 2.4.3 for Commons users - only users with the SO role have the privileges necessary to register the certificate in AMM; Commons users must work with their SO to register their certificate

Closed Contact Information

Complete the following fields:

  • Last Name

  • First Name

  • Middle Name (optional)

  • Email

  • Confirm Email


Click the Add Roles button to add the roles to the account. The Add Roles popup displays.

Add Roles popup for Create System Account

  • Note the role description on the screen when adding a role.

  • See Add System Roles for more information.

Select the Agreement checkbox below the Roles section.

The Agreement check box is mandatory for the user to acknowledge information provided for the system account. If the Agreement checkbox is not checked and the Save button is clicked, the system displays the following error message: User must accept the agreement by checking the field.

  1. Click the Create button to create the account or click Clear to clear all fields.

When you click Create, the system validates the account information. If there are no errors, then the Account Detailsscreen opens, displaying a success message.

Other Actions:

  • Click the Validate Certificate button to validate the certificate. See Validate Certificate for more information.
  • Click the Manage button if you want to make additional changes. See Manage System Accounts for more information.
  • Click the Back to Search button to return to the Search Account screen.