Virtual Meeting Discussion Dashboard

In order to access theVirtual Meeting Discussion Dashboard;

  • To access the list of meetings, click on the Internet Assisted Review (IAR)button on the ClosedeRA Commons landing page.
  • showing location of the IAR tab located in eRA Commons

    You can also access IAR from the apps icon in the upper left corner and selecting Internet Assisted Review from theClosed drop-down menu.

    eRA Commons app icon showing the drop-down menu when clicked

  • This action will open the List of Meetings page where you will see meetings that you have been assigned to by the SRO*. click on the Closedthree-dot ellipses icon on the Meeting column and select View List of Applications from the menu.

    showing the "View List of Applications" link on the List of Meetings screen

  •  From the View List of Applications screen, in the list of applications at the bottom, click on the three-dot ellipsis icon and from the menu, select Go To Discussion in the Application Numbercolumn.Closed(click to view)

    Showing option for Go To Discussion on the List of VM Applications view

    NOTE: This button will only be enabled when an application is eligible for discussion either during the DISCUSSION phase or during the specific Cluster DISCUSSION phase (if set).

    NOTE: When accessing the Virtual Meeting Discussion Dashboard directly from the URL for the meeting, a check is performed to ensure COI certification. If you have not completed the COI certification, Closedan alert message will be displayed with a link prompting you to sign the COI for this meeting.

    Alert message when the COI needs to be signed before access the dashboard

    Virtual Meeting Discussion Dashboard showing clusters and scores

  • The Virtual Meeting Discussion Dashboard screens will open in separate tabs or windows (depending on browser settings) for each application. The tabs will show the name of the PI (last, first) and the first part of the application number as space permits. (Closedclick to view tabs)

    Individual browser tabs for each application selected

    Once on the Virtual Meeting Discussion Dashboard screen, you will see the following sections: (Closedclick to view full screen):

  1. ClosedHeader -The top of the screen contains:
    • The cluster that the application is in (if clusters have been created)
    • The application number which is linked to its Grant Folder page.
    • The PI name
    • The title of the application
    • Links to view critiques
    • The date and time that the screen was last refreshed.

    Header section of Virtual Meeting Discussion Dashboard screen

  2. ClosedMeeting Information - This section has the following details:
    • Meeting Title
    • The name of the SRO
    • Meeting Identifier
    • Workgroup
    • Meeting Phase
    • Critiques Due date
    • Meeting Dates
    • Cluster Discussion Dates (conditional) - Shows the list of clusters and their beginning and ending dates and times. If no clusters have been created, this sub-section will not appear.

    VM Meeting Dashboard Meeting Information area of screen.

  3. ClosedReviewers and Scores - This section contains:
    • An indicator of the number of reviewers currently online. This will display a green circle [online indicator] and a count of the number of reviewers currently online out of the total number of reviewers. If the reviewer appears to be idle for 20 minutes, the indicator will disappear.
    • Enter/Edit Discussion Score button - New scores may be entered and existing scores may be changed. Existing scores can be edited directly in the Discussion Score field. This can be done multiple times throughout the DISCUSSION phase as additional discussion comments are reviewed.

      TIP: Existing discussion scores may be edited directly in the DiscussionScore field.

    • Enter Final Score button if final scoring has been enabled in the Discussion Phase.
    • The names of assigned reviewers as well as other reviewers who have either posted comments or discussion scores. Names post to this list as reviewers and observers score or comment on the application.

      NOTE: By default, the list is sorted alphabetically by the last name of the assigned reviewers first and then by unassigned reviewers. If the sort is changed by the user, the Default Sort button can be clicked to reset it.

    • The Preliminary, Discussion, and Final Scores submitted to date.
    • The total number of comments submitted by each reviewer.

      Reviewers and Scores section of the VM Meeting Discusion Dashbord page

  4. ClosedLeft Navigation - This area will list the message categories beginning with "Meeting-wide Announcements" from the SRO. These are characteristics of this area:
    • It will scroll up and down as the user scrolls on the page and is always in view.
    • When there are new or edited messages, an indicator in each topic area will alert the user to the total number of announcements/messages for that topic and the number of unread messages which are indicated as "New".
    • Click on the title of a topic to see the announcements/messages related to that topic.
    • To collapse this tool, click on the blue bar on the right with the left-pointing double carats. The navigation tool will collapse to the left margin.

      Left Navigation area of the VM Meeting Discussion Dashboard screen show discussion topics

  5. Announcements & Comments section - Announcements published by the SRO and comments made by reviewers will be displayed here depending on the topic selected in the Left Navigation. The messages may be displayed as conversations or chronologically and online reviewers or SROs will be indicated with the green circle icon [Online indicator icon]. (Closedclick to view expanded)

    VM Discussion Dashboard Announcements and comments area