Personal Profile Summary

The ClosedPersonal Profile Summary page lets you view or edit sections of the Personal Profile. Your name appears in the upper left.

IMPORTANT: To save any profile changes, you must click the Save All button, which is located at the top right of the screen. You can save profile changes ONLY after fixing ALL error items in red/pink that show a red x (Red x icon indicating an error), even those unrelated to your current change. If you save while errors exist, changes are NOT saved and you see an error message.

Sample PPF Summary Page with ORCID number


ClosedThe left side of the summary page contains user name, person ID, a list of user roles, and ORCID if available. Also shown is eRA Service Desk contact information.

Left navigation area of profile summary page

Personal Profile Information:

  • Name of the personal profile
  • List of roles associated with the personal profile
  • Person ID associated with the personal profile
  • ORCID ID (or link to set up an ORCID ID); see The ORCID ID.
    • Additional Instructions for Fellowship:
      For NIH fellowship applications, the personal profile associated with the eRA Commons username entered in the Credential field for the PD/PI (fellowship applicant) must include an ORCID ID (e.g., to pass NIH validation requirements.
    • Additional Instructions for Career Development:
      For NIH career development award applications, the personal profile associated with the eRA Commons username entered in the Credential field for the PD/PI (candidate) must include an ORCID ID (e.g., in order to pass NIH validation requirements.
    • Additional Instructions for Trainees:
      For NIH trainees, the Personal Profile associated with the eRA Commons user ID must be linked to an ORCID ID (e.g., in order to pass NIH validation requirements.

Personal Profile Expand/Collapse Links

The left side shows links for each of the sections of the Personal Profile. Clicking these links expands the corresponding section of Personal Profile. A green checkmark mean the section's required fields are complete, while a red x means they are not.

Use the Personal Profile section names on the left to expand or collapse Personal Profile sections

NOTE: The Personal Profile sections vary depending on your user role. Not all profile sections are available for all Commons users. If you are affiliated with multiple institutions and hold different roles at each, your profile will display the sections applicable for all roles across affiliations.

Update and Access Information:

  • Profile Updated: system displays date when the user last performed a save on the Personal Profile
  • Change your password: Date when password will expire plus a link for accessing the Change Password feature

eRA Service Desk Information

Includes the hours, phone numbers, and web address for contacting and creating a ticket for system support.

Personal Profile Summary Sections

ClosedThe Personal Profile Summary page displays profile information for each section, which you can expand or collapse by clicking the section header.

To edit any section, first click the Edit button at the upper right of the section headers:

Edit button for a section of the Personal Profile

To expand all sections, click the + Expand All button.

To save entered data, click the Save All button. (Save All is available only after clicking the Edit button to enter Edit mode.)

To discarded data you just entered/edited, click the Discard Changes button. (Discard Changes is available only after clicking the Edit button to enter Edit mode.)

IMPORTANT: All required fields in the entire Personal Profile (not just the section you edited) must be filled in prior to saving; otherwise you cannot save.

Personal Profile Errors

If any required information is missing from ANY section, a message titled Error(s) displays across the top of the screen as well as in the header for the incomplete section.

Main section of profile summary page with incomplete information

You must correct the error prior to saving. You cannot save unless you first correct the error.