Manage State Department User Accounts

  1. Perform one of the following steps to edit an account:
    1. Click the appropriate Manage button in the Action column on the Search Accounts or Annual Recertification screens.
    2. Click the Manage button on the Account Details screen after an account have been created or saved (edited).

Clicking the Manage button opens the Manage Account screen:

Manage Account Screen for State Department Users

NOTE: Fields that are grayed out are not editable.

Perform one or more of the following steps:

  1. Edit the Email addresses, if necessary.

  2. Click the + Add Countries button to add countries.

    1. For more information, please refer to the Add/Delete Countries topic.
  3. Click the Remove button to remove a country from the list in the Roles section.

  4. Click the Reset Password button to reset the user's password.

    1. Please refer the Reset Password topic for more information.
  5. Perform one of the following options:

    1. Click the Save button to save the changes.
    2. Click the Cancel button to return to the Account Details screen.

Clicking the Save button opens the Account Details screen with the message: Account was updated successfully!

  Account Details screen with success confirmation message

To edit the account's information, click the Manage button.

Two-Factor Authentication
  • Login via 2FA — Shows the status of for this account: "Required," "Optional" or "Exemption." This field is set automatically at the organization level.

  • 2FA Exemption Expiration Date — When Login via 2FA is set to "Exemption," this field displays the end date for the exemption. The user can log in using eRA credentials until this date.

    NOTE: Two-factor authentication exemptions are only granted on a limited basis by the eRA Service Desk and only the eRA Service Desk can modify this date.

  • 2FA Mapping Completion Status — Indicates whether the user's account is Mapped or Not Mapped for two-factor authentication.