Prior Approval - Change of PD/PI on a Grant

When it is necessary to change the program director/principal investigator (PD/PI) on a grant, a signing official (SO) can use the Prior Approval module to create and submit the request to the agency.

PD/PIs do not see the option for a change of PD/PI(s) in the Prior Approval module.

See Viewing and Initiating Requests for details on initiating a request.

After initiating a Change of PD/PI, you see the following details screen.

Modify request page

  1. Be sure to fill out all required fields (with a red asterisk). You can drag and drop a PDF file from your file system onto the Drop file area, or click Browse to locate and select a file.

  2. To view or remove a file you have uploaded, click the three-dot ellipsis menu and select View or Delete. If you upload the wrong file, you must delete it in order to upload another, as only one file is allowed to be uploaded.
    Three dot ellipsis menu for viewing or deleting an uploaded file

  3. :
    • Type part of the PD/PI Name, then select from the list (only those researchers in your institution matching the typed text appear).

    • Choose whether the PD/PI will be Contact PD/PI.

    • Specify the level of effort in months that the PD/PI will spend on the project, either entering between 1 and 12 for the Calendar field, or entering a combination of Academic (1 to 9) and Summer (1 to 3). Enter either Calendar, or a combination of Academic/Summer, but not both.

    • Add a biosketch and statement of other sources of support for the PD/PI.

    • Click the Add/New button. The PD/PI you specified appears in the Requested PD/PIs table below the Add/New button. ()

  4. Optionally, you can use the steps above to add additional PIs to the request.

  5. Optionally, you can change the data on a PI that you already added to the Requested PD/PIs table:

    • Click the PD/PI's three-dot ellipsis icon and select Modify.

    • Modify PI for Change PD/PI Request

    • The PD/PI's information appears in the fields above the table (see below). Modify the data outlined in red below, then click the Add/New button again (this does not add the person to the table, but instead updates the person when they already exist in the table).

    • Modify PI data

  1. Optionally, you can delete a PD/PI that you have added by clicking the person's three-dot ellipsis icon and selecting Delete. A confirmation message warns you that all information for the person will be deleted and that the action cannot be undone.

  2. You can click Save at the bottom of the screen if the request is not ready to submit; a message appears at the top of the page indicating that the request has been saved.