* You must be logged into eRA Commons with appropriate role(s) to complete these activities.
The Institution Profile (IPF) is a central repository of information for all eRA Commons-registered organizations. Signing officials establish and maintain all profile data concerning their institution. The Institution Profile includes institution name, address, names of administrative officials, as well as financial, assurance, and certification information.
Following the creation of an Institutional account in eRA Commons, the Institution Profile is populated with the organizational information from registration and assigned a unique IPF number, which uniquely identifies institutional information in NIH systems.
Signing officials are the only Commons users authorized to establish and edit the Institution Profile. Other users affiliated with the institution can view Institution Profile information as a read-only page.
Basic Tasks (step-by-step instructions from the online help)*
- View and edit the Institution Profile
- View and edit Institution Profile assurances and certifications
* You must be logged into eRA Commons with appropriate role(s) to complete these activities.
Main Screenshots

Figure 1: Institution Basic Information on the Institutional Profile (IPF), showing navigation tabs and informational categories

Figure 2: The Institutional Profile with the Institution Name section expanded and showing Institution Contact Information
Additional Resources
- eRA Commons Roles & Privileges At a Glance (PDF - 25 KB)