Process New Termination Notice by BO

NOTE: The Business Official (BO) is the only one who can submit a Termination Notice (TN) to the Agency for final processing and acceptance.

Process a new termination

1. In the Pending Forms list on the Business Official Home screen, locate the trainee you wish to terminate. The Filter table field can be used to locate someone quickly if desired.

Pending Forms table on the Business Official Home screen

2. Click the hyperlinked trainee name to view the Termination Notices screen.

Termiination Notices screen for BO

3. Review the form, add comments if desired, then click the Submit button in the Route to Agency card. A confirmation message displays.

Save 7 route to Agency confirmation screen

4. Click the Certify and Route to Agency button. The system will check the form prior to routing. Any identified errors must be corrected prior to routing. Warnings may be addressed at your discretion. A confirmation message is displayed at the top of the screen indicating that the Termination Notice has been successfully routed to the agency. The status of the appointment is changed to Pending Agency Review.

Termination Notice confirmation message

5. The Routing History tab in the Process Statement of Training Appointment section contains a list of the actions taken on the appointment. The first item in the history reflects the current state of the appointment.

Routing History screen for termination notice