Initiate a Reappointment by PD/PI

Trainees whose appointments are coming to an end can be reappointed to grants that have future award years. 

NOTE: If the preceding appointment was submitted via a paper form, then a new appointment has to be completed rather than a reappointment.

NOTE: If a trainee takes unpaid leave, their termination notice must be accepted by agency before a reappointment can be initiated.

1. In the Awarded Grants table, click the hyperlinked grant number to display the Trainee Roster screen.
2. Locate the trainee you wish to reappoint. The Filter table field can be used to locate someone quickly if desired.

Trainee Roster with Actions and Reappoint highlighted

3. Click the three-dot ellipsis Actions button Actions button and select Reappoint.The Appointment Form screen is displayed with some fields pre-populated with data from the system.

Appointment Form for reappointing a trainee

4. Complete the Appointment Form. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk (*).

Below are some key things to note while completing the form:

1. The FROM date should be within the budget period of the grant for the reappointment.
2. The format of the date fields is MM/DD/YYYY.
3. For partial years, the stipend amount can be adjusted. No commas or decimals are allowed in the Stipend Amount field.

Save Draft

Save Draft pane

1. Click the Save as Draft button. A confirmation message displays.

Reappointment confirmation message

2. Click the Save button. Your edits are saved and the form remains in your queue.

Once the reappointment has been saved, it follows the same process as appointments:

1. PD/PI routes reappointment to trainee
2. Trainee reviews and routes reappointment to PD/PI
3. PD/PI reviews and routes reappointment to Agency
4. Agency reviews and approves reappointment .

Review the Create New Appointment by PD/PI and Process New Appointment by Trainee topics for more information.