SRG Minutes/Budget Form

The Chairperson of the meeting designated by the SRO* has the ability to electronically sign the SRG Minutes/Budget Form in IAR. The SRO may designate multiple reviewers to perform this task.

NOTE: Please keep in mind that this task must be completed while the meeting is still in the Edit Phase. Once the Edit Phase ends, reviewers may no longer have access to the meeting, including links to the SRG Minutes/Budget Form.

To sign the SRG Minutes/Budget Form:

  1. Access the List of Meetings screen.

  2. Select the SRG Minutes/Budget Form link by clicking on the three-dot ellipsis icon in the meeting column and selecting it from the menu.

    The SRG Minutes/Budget Form displays.

  3. Optional: Select the List of Meetings link to return to the List of Meetings screen without signing the form.

  4. Enter the Meeting Adjourned Time and the Meeting Adjourned Date.

  5. Select the I Certify button.

NOTE: If the SRO has designated multiple reviewers, each reviewer’s name appears on the form with a certification line. Clicking the I Certify button only updates the electronic signature of the reviewer currently in the form. Reviewers cannot sign the form for other Reviewers.

NOTE: In rare cases, the I Certify button may not appear on the screen. This is due to multiple profiles in the system for the same person. Contact the SRO or eRA Service Desk in this case.

TIP: *Other Transaction Authority (OTA) - Some screens and terminology may be different in order to accommodate review of OTA, a type of award that is neither a grant nor a contract but a different way of funding that is used across NIH. These changes will typically not be visible to NIH or agency reviewers.