Submitting an Online Critique

IMPORTANT: This topic is for Online Critiques only, which is a pilot of new functionality available to a limited subset of reviewers at this time.

After you fill out the critique completely, you are ready to submit. Make sure you are on the Online Critique screen and do the following:

  1. In the gray summary box at the top of the Online Critique screen, click the Submit button.

The Submit button on the 'sticky' bar

  1. If any entries are not completed, a Closedwarning dialog lists the incomplete fields.
  1. Click Continue with Submission only if you know the omissions to be valid and intentional.
  2. Otherwise, click Go Back and Edit.
You are returned to the incomplete critique. To help you easily find the incomplete entries, the blue and green review criteria that have incomplete entries are expanded, while all other review criteria are collapsed. In addition, the fields that lack a response are outlined in orange and have an orange exclamation icon next to them, as shown here:
Incomplete entry showing orange outline and warning icon
  1. Fill out the incomplete entries if necessary; if you are sure you want them blank, then you can leave them blank and submit regardless.
  2. Click the Submit button again, and if necessary, click the Continue with Submission button if you want to leave blanks.
  1. Review the information and click the Confirm button to complete the online critique submission.
    A Closedmessage appears at the top of the screen indicating successful submission.

At this point, a submitted critique is saved into the system. If you later decide you want to edit the submission, you can do so; see Making Changes to a Critique After Submitting.

You can view your own critiques and scores as well as those of other reviewers (when permitted) once you have submitted them. The process by which critiques are viewed differs from phase to phase. Refer to Viewing Critiques for a description of the phase-specific method of viewing critiques.