Submit Phase

During the Submit Phase, reviewers submit critiques and preliminary scores for their assigned applications. Reviewers can only view critiques and scores that they have submitted and cannot yet read the critiques of other reviewers; however, they may submit critiques for unassigned applications if permitted by the SRO*. Access to the critiques of other Reviewers is restricted during this phase to ensure that Reviewers begin the process with independently developed opinions. These actions are taken using the List of All Applications screen in IAR.

The Critique Due Date determines the end of the Submit Phase and is typically a few days to a week before the actual meeting date.

NOTE:  The Veterans Affairs (VA) Meeting Chairperson can access submitted critiques during the Submit Phase. When the VA Meeting Chairperson navigates to the List of Applications screens, the system shows a Download Zip of All Critiques (PDF) link, even while the meeting is in the Submit Phase. Clicking the link downloads all the critiques that have been submitted at that time. However, critiques of applications identified by the SRO that are in conflict with the chairperson are omitted from the downloaded PDF.

NOTE: Mail Reviewers can only see their assigned applications regardless of SRO settings.

TIP: *Other Transaction Authority (OTA) - Some screens and terminology may be different in order to accommodate review of OTA, a type of award that is neither a grant nor a contract but a different way of funding that is used across NIH. These changes will typically not be visible to NIH or agency reviewers.