Early Concurrence Panel Screen
The Council Information screen contains links to early concurrence panels. When clicked, the links open the early concurrence panel screen. It contains a list of applications that have been added to the early concurrence panel, voting radio buttons, conflict checkboxes, and buttons to download summary statements, view panel members, save self-identified conflicts, and clear, save, and submit votes.
NOTE: Grayed out selections in the voting columns (e.g., row 1 below) indicate votes that have been submitted and cannot be changed.
Darker selections in the voting columns (e.g., row 2 below) indicate unsubmitted votes that can be changed.
Filtering the application list
There are two options you can use to filter the application list: the Special Codes drop-down and the Filter Table field.
To filter for applications that have a special code applied, click the Special Codes drop-down in the upper-left corner of the screen and select the appropriate code. The table is filtered to display applications with that code. Click the X to clear the filter. |
To filter applications by any of the text fields displayed in the table, enter the text in the Filter Table field. The table is filtered to display applications containing that text. Click the X to clear the filter. |
Sorting the application list
Click a column header to sort by that column.
Downloading all available application summary statements
Click the Download Summary Statements button to download the summary statements for all applications where it is available. The summary statements are opened in a new tab. |
Viewing an application summary statement
Click the hyperlinked project number to view the summary statement in a new tab. |
Viewing an application image
If the
Application Image icon is visible, click it to view the E-application in a new tab.
Viewing panel members
Click the Panel Members button. The Panel Members screen is displayed. |
Click the Close button to return to the early concurrence panel screen. |
Selecting conflicts
If you have a conflict with a person or organization involved in a application, you can add a conflict in the early concurrence panel screen.
Click the Conflict checkbox for the appropriate application. |
Click the Save Conflicts button at the top of the screen. A confirmation screen is displayed. |
Click the Yes button. The conflict is saved and you will not be able to vote on that application or any applications for that FOA. |
Adding Comments
If comments are allowed when an early concurrence panel is created, you may add comments to each application.
Click the three-dot ellipsis for the application and select Add Comments. The Add Comments screen is displayed. |
Enter your comments in the Comments field. |
Click the Save button. Your comments are added to the record, as indicated by the Comments icon next to the project number. |
Click the Expand button for the record, then click the Expand button for the Comments pane to view your comment. |
To edit your comment, click the Edit button. |
Voting on Applications individually
Agency-Specific Instructions: SAMHSA users cannot vote on applications individually.
Select the radio buttons for Yes, No, and/or Abstain as appropriate for each application in the list. |
Click the Save Progress button to save the votes. You may return to saved votes and change them later if you wish. |
If you are ready to finalize the votes, click the Submit Vote button to submit the votes. You will not be able to change the votes once submitted. A confirmation screen is displayed. Click the Yes button to submit the votes. |
IMPORTANT: If voting closes while you have saved but not submitted votes, the votes will not be counted.
Voting on Applications globally
If you wish to vote the same way for all applications in the early concurrence panel, you may do so without selecting the votes individually.
IMPORTANT: If you have saved but unsubmitted votes, they will be overridden by the Vote All options. If you do not wish to override these votes, click the Vote and Submit button to submit them first.
Click the Vote Options button in the upper-right corner of the screen and select the appropriate option. |
Vote Yes All selects the Yes radio button for all applications in the list for which votes have not been submitted. |
Vote No All selects the No radio button for all applications in the list for which votes have not been submitted. |
Vote Abstain All selects the Abstain radio button for all applications in the list for which votes have not been submitted. |
Agency-Specific Instructions: SAMHSA users do not have an Abstain option.
Click the Save Progress button to save the votes. You may return to saved votes and change them later if you wish. |
If you are ready to finalize the votes, click the Submit Vote button to submit the votes. You will not be able to change the votes once submitted. A confirmation screen is displayed. Click the Yes button to submit the votes. |
IMPORTANT: If voting closes while you have saved but not submitted votes, the votes will not be counted.
Clearing Saved Votes
If you wish to clear all saved but unsubmitted votes and start fresh, you may do so.
NOTE: Submitted votes cannot be cleared or changed.
Click the Clear Votes link at the top of the screen. A confirmation screen is displayed. |
Click the Yes button. All saved but unsubmitted votes are cleared. |
Returning to the Council Information screen
Click the Cancel/Go back link at the top of the screen. You are returned to the first tab of the Council Information screen. |
IMPORTANT: Note that you will lose any unsaved votes when you go back to the Council Information screen. Click the Save button first to avoid this.