Council Information Screen

The ECB Council Information screen is the landing page for council members. Each council round, a new Council Information page is set up; these pages can consist of tabs, sections, subsections, text, links, and documents.

Council Information screen

Tabs are available at the top of the screen. The active tab is indicated with a tab outline. Click a hyperlinked tab name to view the tab.

Example of tabs on the Council Information screen

Sections are contained within tabs. Each section consists of a blue header and text-based content within a frame.

Example of a section on the Council Information screen

Expanding and collapsing sections

If you are viewing a Council Information Page that contains a considerable amount of information, you may wish to expand and collapse the sections to ease navigation.

1. To expand or collapse all sections at once, click the Expand/Collapse All button at the top of the screen.
2. To expand an individual section, click the Section Expand button Expand button on the right side of the section header.
3. To collapse an individual section, click the Section Collapse button Collapse button on the right side of the section header.

Subsections are contained within tabs or sections. Each subsection consists of a header and text-based content

Subsection example

Text is contained within a tab, section, or subsection. It consists of text, images, bullets, numbers, and other formatted text.

Text example

Links are contained within a tab, section, or subsection. When clicked, they open a new screen containing an application list, document list, category, EC panel, or web page.

Link on Council Information screen

Documents are contained within a tab, section, or subsection. Documents can be viewed and voted on.

Documents on the Council Information screen

My Assignments is a link that will open a list of the applications assigned to you.

Click the hyperlinked project number to view the application's summary statement; click the Expand button Expand button to view its attachments.