
eRA Commons has partnered with the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) to link NCBI's personal online tool, My NCBI, to Commons. My NCBI offers an online portal - My Bibliography - for users to maintain and manage a list of all their authored works, such as journal articles, manuscripts accepted for publication, books, and book chapters.

IMPORTANT: To save any profile changes, you must click the Save All button, which is located at the top right of the screen. You can save profile changes ONLY after fixing ALL error items in red/pink that show a red x (Red x icon indicating an error), even those unrelated to your current change. If you save while errors exist, changes are NOT saved and you see an error message.

Click the Publications section heading to see the section content.

The Publications section of the personal profile provides links to the following:

  • NIH Public Access website
  • NIH Manuscript Submission System
  • National Center for Biotechnology Information My NCBI tool

If you have the PI role, you have access to this section of the personal profile.

Publications section of profile

NOTE: Publications that have a gold lock on them in your My NCBI bibliography cannot be removed from the RPPR. A gold lock (Gold Lock) indicates that the award was associated with the publication through NIHMS. To delete a citation with a gold lock, contact the NIHMS help desk through their web form which is accessible at Additional information and instructions are also available at the FAQ found here: "This award did not support this research".