Revised 7/23/2015
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The Indirect Expense fields for Federal Financial Reports are entered by selecting the Indirect Expense Entry button found in section 11. Indirect Expense on the FFR form. Selecting this button opens the Indirect Expense Calculation screen.
To complete entries on the Indirect Expense Calculation screen:
The Indirect Expense Calculation screen displays.
The Indirect Expense List displays the added data. Additional entries for indirect expenses can be added in the same manner.
IMPORTANT: Although the item(s) are added to the screen's Indirect Expense List, these items are not added to the Federal Financial Report form until you select the Save button.
The FFR form populates to reflect the information added on the Indirect Expense Calculation screen.
The Indirect Expense Entry button is also used to remove an indirect expense from the FFR. To remove an indirect expense:
The FFR form reflects the removal of the indirect expense.
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