Inclusion Enrollment Record (IER) Statuses

Agency-Specific Instructions: Department of Commerce (DOC). Editing Inclusion Enrollment Data is not applicable for DOC awards.

A status will be maintained for each study version. IER Status values are as follows:

Accepted – Not Rolled Forward: The IER is either marked as Not Funded or as Type 2 Progress Report. The project is awarded, but the IER is not rolled forward into an out-year record.

Accepted (Original Submission): The IER has been accepted at award issuance based on what was originally submitted. (Data migrated from the previous data system may also have this status when awarded.)

Accepted (PI Revisions): Grantee has modified the IER after original submission, but before release of the award

Accepted by Agency: OER has frozen ability to modify inclusion enrollment records for IERs on contracts or intramural projects for the selected FY.

Grantee Updates in Progress: Grantee user has created the IER; Grantee user has initiated updates on an IER (Edit Planned or Edit Cumulative); and/or SO has routed an IER back to the PI

Inclusion Updated: Grantee has updated cumulative (actual) enrollment counts via the RPPR module in Commons

Previous FY Data: Data from previous fiscal year has been rolled forward into the next project record

Pending SO: IER has been routed to the Institution’s Signing Official (SO)

Received by Agency: IER form (Planned or Cumulative) has been received as part of the electronic application submission (i.e., or ASSIST); Grantee user (SO) has routed the IER via HSS in the Commons Status module to the agency; the agency user has created a new IER in HSS; IER is inserted or updated via web service. This applies to intramural projects and certain contracts.

Received by Agency – RPPR: Grantee user submitted IER to the agency as part of the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR)