Commons Demonstration Site

The Commons Demo Site is a fully functioning site for all users. Once you create an account, you can access an environment containing realistic demonstration data that is almost identical to the Commons production environment.

Use the Commons Demo Site to familiarize yourself with the eRA Commons application and to practice creating sample institutions and accounts and/or manipulating grant applications. The site provides access to the major functions of the system in a training/demonstration mode that mirrors the production version, the difference being that sample data is altered in the Commons Demo Site.

Accessing Commons Demo Site

ClosedTo access the Commons Demo Site, click the Commons Demo link on the eRA Commons login page.

Demo site link

Users with a demo account should log in using the username and password created for this purpose; users without a demo account should create one. See the section below to create a new demo account.

Creating a New Demo Site Account

The Create a New Demo Account screen lets you create a sample institution and user accounts. Creation of a signing official (SO) and a principal investigator (PI) account is required.

A number of sample grant applications are assigned to the PI account and are accessible to the SO account. After registering and creating sample accounts, you can use the Commons demo site to perform all functions on the sample data linked to these accounts (such as creating new accounts, submitting an RPPR or FFR, reviewing application status, and affiliating other demo users to the demo institution).

To create a new Commons Demo Site account:

  1. Click the Register link under Commons Demo on the Commons login page.

ClosedThe Create a New Demo Account screen displays.

  1. Fill in the appropriate information for creating the account.
    For information about roles, see User Roles.

NOTE: All fields followed by an asterisk (*) are required. The User Name length should be between 6 and 30 characters and should NOT contain special characters except the @ sign, the hyphen, the period, and the underscore. The User names must be unique.

  1. Click the Submit button.

Create a New Demo Account screen

ClosedA verification message displays the information entered.

  1. Review all entered information and click the Submit button to create the Commons Demo Site account.

Closeup of the Save button

ClosedA confirmation page lists the user name information and passwords. Make sure to copy the information.

  1. Click the Continue button.

Closeup of Continue link

You are redirected to the Commons Demo Site for login, where you can start the training/demo session. When you first log in to the Commons Demo Site, you will be asked to change your password. See Reset Password for help on changing your password.