Welcome to the ASSIST Online Help

This collection of help topics provides online information about the ASSIST functionality. You can access the online help by selecting the Help icon from any of the screens within ASSIST.

Use the following options to navigate the online help:

Contents Tab

The Contents tab displays books and pages that represent the categories of information in the online help. Click a closed book to open it and display sub-books and pages. Click an open book to close it. Click on a page to view it in the right pane.

Sample of Contents

Print Button

The Print button enables you to print the topic located in the right pane. Any collapsed information within the topic will not be included in the print-out. To include all information, make sure to use the Expand All button before printing.

Print button

Expand/Collapse All Button

The Expand/Collapse All button allows you to expand and collapse hidden information (e.g., images) within the current topic.

Expand All/Collapse All button

Navigate Previous Button

The Navigate Previous button allows you to view the previous topic in the list of Contents.

NOTE: Use the Back button on your browser to view the topic you previously viewed.

Previous button

Navigate Next Button

The Navigate Next button allows you to view the next topic in the list of Contents.

Next button

Search Button

The Search button enables you to search for terms and locate topics containing these terms. Once the search is complete, a list of topics appears so you can select a specific topic to view. This search feature retrieves information only from the ASSIST online help.

Search bar


Togglers appear in orange text with an arrow and are used to expand or collapse hidden information, such as screen images or additional text within the help topic. Click this toggler to display (expand) or hide (collapse) the information.

You've just untoggled this information!


Links appear in blue, underlined text and direct you to related help topics or to online information outside of the online help. Clicking a link displays the information in a new window.

NOTE: After selecting a link for the first time, it will appear as purple, underlined text.

See Also Content

A See Also list of related topics contains individual links to other topics in the online help related to the topic currently being viewed. Select the link of the appropriate topic to view that topic. The selected topic will open in a new window.

Sample See Also list

Contact Us

Links are provided in the footer of every topic to easily contact eRA.

Are you having system issues? Use the link in the footer to access the eRA Service Desk online ticketing system at which you can submit a ticket for support and find other means of contacting eRA Service Desk.

Do you want to provide feedback about the topics found in this online help? Use the eRA Communications department link to contact eRA Communications, the author of this content.

Image of the help system footer