Opening Modules
eRA Commons is slowly transitioning from older horizontal bars for module navigation to a more modern, space-saving Apps menu that drops down. During the transition, you will see a mix of older and newer module navigation methods. Navigate to and between eRA Commons modules using one of the following navigation bars:
Above, click the Apps menu to show module navigation. The dark blue highlighted module indicates the module you are currently in.
Above, use the light blue navigation bar to navigate between modules. The dark blue tab highlighted in red indicates the current module.
Above, use the light gray navigation bar to navigate between modules. The white tab highlighted in red indicates the current module.
Home brings you to the Commons landing page, which contains useful links and essential information.
Can't find a module?
You see only those modules, or features within modules, that your user role(s) give you access to. User roles are assigned by your institutional signing official, administrative official, or accounts administrator.