Meeting Materials ZIP Files

The Download Meeting Materials ZIP button

Some meetings include Closeda Download Meeting Materials ZIP button at the top of the Meeting Materials screen. This button is set up by the meeting's SRO and enables you to download a full set of meeting files to a local computer.

Meeting Materials screen  Download Meeting Materials ZIP button

NOTE: ZIP files will not include any grant applications or URLs associated with a meeting. You must access these meeting materials while online at the Meeting Materials screen. Note that critique templates will not be part of the download. [Bulk download of critique templates for assigned applications is already available in IAR. (See Access Critique Templates.)]

TIP: Since you will need an Access Code to open the downloaded ZIP file, it is recommended that you obtain the Access Code first and then download the ZIP file next. Refer to View the Meeting Materials ZIP File Access Codefor how to obtain the Access Code.

To download the Meeting Materials ZIP file:

  1. From the Meeting Materials screen, select the ClosedDownload Meeting Materials ZIP buttonDownload Meeting Materials ZIP button.

    Confirm Open or Save downloaded ZIP file

  1. Select the Open or Save button. If you select Open, a Closedlist of the downloaded Meeting Materials displays in your file explorer or ZIP File application.

    Downloaded Meeting Materals ZIP files

    Enter Access Code in "Password" field

    NOTE: Additional materials that may not show up under Meeting Materials can be viewed by selecting the Additional Materials link under the Title Column on the List of All Applications. The link only displays when at least one eAddition exists for an application. For more information, refer to the Additional Materials section of the Accessing the List of Applications Screen topic.

TIP: *Other Transaction Authority (OTA) - Some screens and terminology may be different in order to accommodate review of OTA, a type of award that is neither a grant nor a contract but a different way of funding that is used across NIH. These changes will typically not be visible to NIH or agency reviewers.