View Post-Submission Errors

When an application is submitted, the offering agency performs certain validations against the application. If errors exist, the application is put into a status of Submission Errors. ASSIST users with the proper authority can view these errors and make corrections before re-submitting the application to the Agency. Also see Submit, Track and View Your Application.

The errors and warnings returned by the Agency and are viewable from the status detail page for the application. To view post-submission errors on an application:

  1. Perform a search to locate and select the application.

  2. ClosedSelect the View Submission Status Details link in the Status field of the Application Information page.

    View Submission Status Details link is shown for a Submission Errors application

    The application status details display in a separate window. Refer to the help topic titled View Submission Details for information about this page. When post-submission errors exist, the View Submission Errors link displays. If Agency errors and warnings exist, the View Agency Submission Errors and Warnings link displays.

  3. ClosedSelect the appropriate link to view the errors and warnings.
  4. The submission status information includes links for viewing errors and warnings

Agency Errors and Warnings Results

ClosedThe Agency Errors and Warnings Results page shows errors and warnings detected during application processing by the grantor Agency. The page is divided, showing Application Information on the top and separate sections for Errors and Warnings beneath. Errors must be corrected before the application can be re-submitted to Agency. Applications can be submitted when warnings exist, but those warnings should be reviewed and considered.

Agency Errors and Warnings Results shows errors and warnings for application

The Errors and Warnings tables include the following fields:

  • Component ID & Title (multi-project applications)

    This is the component of the multi-project application for which the error or warning was detected

  • Form Name

    This is the specific form on which the error or warning was detected.

  • Error Message or Warning Message

    This is the error or warning message. For errors, this message contains details for the error with guidance for resolving the issue. For warnings, this message provides further explanation of the warning.