Search for Commons User Accounts

Click on Account Management (Admin) to open the AMM Search Account screen.

The Search Accounts screen for external users provides the ability to search for existing user and system account(s). Selecting either Commons or System in the User Type dropdown updates your Search Criteria screen with the search criteria fields appropriate for each User Type.

ClosedCommons User Type Search

Search Accounts Screen for Commons Users

  1. Select Commons from the User Type dropdown field.
  2. Enter the appropriate search criteria in at least one of the other search fields.
    • You must enter at least one search field, besides the User Type and Account Status.
    • Wild card characters such as the percent sign (%) can be used to search for a string of characters.
    • Use the User ID field to search by IMPACII user ID.
  3. Click the Search button to execute the search or click Clear to clear the search criteria.

For more information see Commons User Account Search Results.

Search by Role

To search by role, select a role from the Roles drop-down menu. To select multiple roles, hold the <Ctrl> key as you click the roles.

NOTE: When you search by roles, you can only search within your organization. You can select multiple roles, but the default search is for all roles appropriate to the logged in user's account role.

Search by Status

You can search by status to locate accounts that have been deactivated (by an administrator or due to inactivity). To do so, select the appropriate status from the Account Status drop-down menu:

Account Status menu

Make your selection and click Search to proceed.

Locked Accounts

The status Deactivated indicates that the account has been disabled by an administrator, while the status Locked due to inactivity applies to accounts that have had no activity for 120 days.

For information on reactivating a deactivated account, see Reactivate or Unlock Account.

ClosedSystem User Type Search

Search Accounts Screen  for System Accounts

  1. Select System from the User Type dropdown field.
  2. Enter the appropriate search criteria in at least one of the other search fields.
    • You must enter at least one search field, besides the User Type and Account Status.
    • Wild card characters such as the percent sign (%) can be used to search for a string of characters.
    • Use the User ID field to search by IMPACII user ID.
  3. Click Search to execute the search or click Clear to clear the fields and start over.

Search by Role

To search by role, select a role from the Roles drop-down menu. To select multiple roles, hold the <Ctrl> key as you click the roles.

NOTE: When you search by system roles, you can only search within your organization. You can select multiple roles, but the default search is for all roles appropriate to the logged in user's account role.

For information on obtaining and registering a certificate from a Certificate Provider or Authority, please refer to the Web Services Certificate (S2S) Guide: Section 2.4.3 for Commons users